Значение идиомы wind up
[wind up] {v.} 1. To tighten the spring of a machine; to make itwork or run.
Mary wound up the toy car and let it run across theroom.
He doesn’t have to wind up his watch because it is run by abattery.
2. To make very excited, nervous, upset. – Usually used inthe past participle.
The excitement of her birthday party got Janeall wound up so she could not sleep.
3. {informal} To bring or cometo an end; finish; stop.
John got two hits and wound his afternoonup with a home run.
Before Jim knew it, he had spent all his moneyand he wound up broke.
The boys followed the path to the left andwound up where they started.
Syn.: END UP. Compare: FINISH OFF, TURNOUT. 4. To put in order;arrange; settle.
Fred wound up his business and personal affairsbefore joining the Navy.
5. To swing your arm with the ball justbefore pitching to a batter.
The pitcher wound up quickly and thenthrew a curve.





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