[third class] {n.} 1. The third best or highest group; the classnext after the second class.
Mary won the pie-making contest in thethird class, for the youngest girls.
2. Mail that is printed, otherthan magazines and newspapers that are published regularly, andpackages that are not sealed and weigh less than a pound.
Thecompany uses third class to mail free samples of soap.
3. The leastexpensive class of travel.
I couldn’t afford anything better thanthe third class on the ship coming home from France.
Newspapers and magazines топик.
Рассказ день который запомнился на английском.
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- О моем классе и одноклассниках (My class and classmates)We spend much time in our classroom and it’s very important for us to keep it clean and nice. Our classroom is on the ground floor of the school building. There are three large windows in it, so the room is quite light. The windows face our school sports ground. We grow and water a ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы make something of[make something of] {v. phr.} 1. To make seemimportant. When girls see another girl with a boy, they often tryto make something of it. 2. To start a fight over; use as an excuseto start a quarrel. Bob accidentally shoved Bill in the corridor, and Bill made something of it. Ann didn’t like what Mary ... Читать далее...
- Buying Stamps at the Post OfficeClerk: Can I help you? Tamika: I’d like to buy some Stamps. Clerk: In what Denomination? Tamika: I’m not sure. I need them for sending regular letters and for Priority Mail. Clerk: The current Rate for sending a First-class letter is 41 cents. With first-class service, your letter will get there in three to seven ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы junk mail, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: junk mail Перевод: назойливая почта, обычно рекламного характера; почта для мусорной корзины Пример: On her mail box she wrote a sign: «No junk mail!» На своем почтовом ящике она написала: «Никакой рекламы!»....
Значение идиомы third class