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Значение идиомы the other day
[the other day] {adv. phr.} In the recent past.
I saw anincredible parade of elephants along Michigan Avenue the other day onmy way to work.
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- Упражнения “Который час?” (What time is it?)1. Напишите указанное время цифрами. Н-р: It’s twenty past five. – 5:20 It’s half past three. It’s ten to six. It’s a quarter past two. It’s a quarter to twelve. It’s twenty to one. It’s half past eight. It’s five past eleven. It’s twenty-five to four. It’s nine o’clock. It’s ten past ten. 2. Напишите […]...
- Значение идиомы in advance[in advance] or [in advance of] {adv. phr.} 1. In front; ahead ; first. In the parade, the band will march in advanceof the football team. The soldiers rode out of the fort with thescouts in advance. 2. Before doing or getting something. The motelman told Mr. Williams he would have to pay in advance. […]...
- Значение идиомы get by[get by] {v.}, {informal} 1. To be able to go past; pass. Thecars moved to the curb so that the fire engine could get by. 2. Tosatisfy the need or demand. Mary can get by with her old coat thiswinter. The janitor does just enough work to get by. Syn.: GETALONG. 3. Not to be […]...
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