Значение идиомы take on
[take on] {v.} 1. To receive for carrying; be loaded with.
A bigship was at the dock taking on automobiles in crates to carry overseasfor sale.
The bus driver stopped at the curb to take the womanon.
2. To begin to have ; take.
Others joined the fistfight until it took on the look of a riot.
After the students put up Christmas decorations, the classroom tookon a holiday appearance.
3a. To give a job to; hire; employ.
Thefactory has opened and is beginning to take on new workers.
Contrast:LET GO, LET OFF, LET OUT. 3b. To accept in business or acontest.
The big man took on two opponents at once.
After hisfather died, Bill took on the management of the factory.
We knewtheir football team was bigger and stronger, but we took them onanyway and beat them.
4. {informal} To show great excitement, grief, or anger.
At the news of her husband’s death she took on like amadwoman.
Compare: CARRY-ON.





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