[surefire] {adj.} Without fail; effective; bringing actual results.
During a campaign the only surefire way to get the sympathy of thevoters is to mingle with them in person.
Topic christmas.
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- Значение идиомы the idea[the idea] or [the very idea] {n. phr.} — Used in exclamations toshow that you do not like something. The idea! Thinking Mother wasmy sister! The very idea of Tom bringing that dirty dog into myclean house!...
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- Значение идиомы go wrong[go wrong] {v. phr.} 1. To fail; go out of order. Something wentwrong with our car and we stalled on the road. 2. To sink into animmoral or criminal existence. In a large city many young people gowrong every year....
- Значение идиомы sit on one’s hands[sit on one’s hands] {v. phr.}, {informal} To do nothing; fail orrefuse to do anything. We asked Bill for help with our project, buthe sat on his hands....
- Значение идиомы whistle for[whistle for] {v.}, {informal} To try to get but fail;look for that will not come. Mary didn’t even thank usfor helping her, so the next time she needs help she can whistle forit....
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- Значение идиомы put across[put across] {v.} 1. To explain clearly; make yourself understood;communicate. He knew how to put his ideas across. Compare: GETACROSS. 2. {informal} To get done successfully; bring tosuccess; make real. He put across a big sales campaign. The newlibrarian put across a fine new library building. Syn.: PUT OVER. Compare: PULL OFF....
- Значение идиомы hit the nail on the head[hit the nail on the head] {v. phr.} To get something exactlyright; speak or act in the most fitting or effective way. Themayor’s talk on race relations hit the nail on the head....
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