[stay up late] {v. phr.} To not go to bed until very late.
Peterhas to stay up late these days as he is preparing for hiscomprehensive exams.
Means of communication сочинение.
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- Значение идиомы burn up[burn up] {v.} 1. To burn completely; destroy or be destroyed by fire. Mr. Scott was burning up old letters. The house burned up before the firemen got there. 2. {informal} To irritate, anger, annoy. The boy’s laziness and rudeness burned up his teacher. The breakdown of his new car burned Mr. Jones up....
- ‘Will you stay with me?’: The No One Dies Alone programANYONE WHO’S BEEN A NURSE for any length of time has known the feeling of being left with an an unpleasant, lingering memory from a patient case. It may be an error made, an innocent oversight, a decision that reflects lack of judgment, or something said-or even not said-by a patient. Whatever the circumstance, few ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы stay up late