Значение идиомы speak for

[speak for] {v.} 1. To speak in favor of or in support of.

Atthe meeting John spoke for the change in the rules.

The othergirls made jokes about Jane, but Mary spoke for her.

2. To make arequest for; to ask for.

The teacher was giving away some books. Fred and Charlie spoke for the same one.

3. To give an impression of;be evidence that is or will be said. – Used with the words”well” or “ill”.

It seems that it will rain today. That speaks illfor the picnic this afternoon.

Who robbed the cookie jar? Thecrumbs on your shirt speak ill for you, Billy.

John wore a cleanshirt and a tie when he went to ask for a job, and that spoke well forhim.

It speaks well for Mary that she always does her homework.

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Значение идиомы speak for