[soda jerk] or [soda jerker] {n.}, {informal} A person who servessoda and ice cream to customers, usually in a drug store or ice creamparlor.
Bob worked as a soda jerk at the drug store all summer.
He is just a soda jerker with no future.
My future profession of economist.
Мои новогодние каникулы на английском.
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- Dealing With Rising Production CostsGiovanni: There are No two ways about it. We have To raise prices. Melanie: We can’t. We already raised prices earlier this year. Doing it again risks Alienating our customers. Giovanni: What else can we do? Our Production costs have risen nearly 15 percent. We’ve tried Absorbing them and Offsetting them, but nothing has worked. ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы dare say[dare say] {v. phr.} To think probable; suppose; believe. — Used in first person. Mary is unhappy now but I dare say she will be laughing about this tomorrow. There is no more ice cream on the table, but I dare say we can find some in the kitchen....
Значение идиомы soda jerk