[put forth] {v. phr.} To produce; issue; send out.
In the springthe apple trees put forth beautiful white blossoms.
The chairmanof the board put forth an innovative proposal that was circulated bymail.
Half-baked идиома.
Сочинение на англ моя профессия юриста.
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- A Potential Partnership MeetingFlavio: Thanks for meeting with me. Marcia: It’s my pleasure. We’re eager to hear your ideas about our companies doing business together in the future. Flavio: Well, I wanted us to meet because I think our two companies can create great Synergy. Marcia: I agree. What do you Have in mind? Flavio: We seem to ... Читать далее...
- Using InfographicsMario: That’s a lot of Text in your proposal. Are you sure people are going To take the time to read all of that? Cleo: It’s a Complex proposal with a lot of Moving parts. I can’t Simplify it without leaving out Essentials. Mario: What you need are Infographics. You can Encapsulate and communicate a ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы put forth