[promise the moon] {v. phr.} To promise something impossible.
Apolitician who promises the moon during a campaign loses the voters’respect.
I can’t promise you the moon, but I’ll do the best job Ican.
Упражнение на неправильные глаголы.
My first day at school.
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- Значение идиомы bring off[bring off] {v.} To do ; perform successfully ; accomplish. By skillful discussion, Mr. White had brought off an agreement that had seemed impossible to get. He tried several times to break the high jump record, and finally he brought it off. Compare: PUTOVER....
- Значение идиомы bring to bay[bring to bay] {v. phr.} To chase or force into a place where escape is impossible without a fight; trap; corner. The police brought the robber to bay on the roof and he gave up. The fox was brought to bay in a hollow tree and the dogs stood around it barking. Compare: AT BAY....
- Значение идиомы stand by[stand by] {v.} 1. To be close beside or near. Mary could nottell Jane the secret with her little brother standing by. Wouldyou just stand by and watch the big boys beat your little brother? 2.To be near, waiting to do something when needed. The policeman inthe patrol car radioed the station about the robbery, ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы pick a hole in[pick a hole in] or [pick holes in] {v. phr.}, {informal} To find amistake in or things wrong with; criticize; blame. The witness saidhe had been walking in the moonlight last Sunday, but the lawyerpicked a hole in what he said by proving that there was no moon andthat it rained Sunday night. Mary is ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы promise the moon