[once in a blue moon] {adv. phr.} Very rarely; very seldom; almostnever.
Coin collecting is interesting, hut you find a valuable coinonly once in a blue moon.
Once in a blue moon someone grows a verypale marigold, but no truly white marigolds have been raised.
За и против животных в зоопарке на английском.
British stereotypes.
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- A guy with bright blue, green and orange color hairA guy with bright blue, green and orange color hair was standing at a bus stop. Few moments later an elderly man stood near him and kept staring at him hard. Annoyed by the stares the guy asked him, «Wotz up oldie! Never done something wild?» To this the old man replied, «Yeah, I f*cked ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы once in a blue moon