[on a dime] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In a very small space.
Bobcan turn that car on a dime.
Tom says his new sports car will stopon a dime.
Рассказ где я был летом на английском.
Video and computer games are extremely popular nowadays.
Related topics:
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- Значение идиомы countdown[countdown] {n.}. {Space English}, {informal} 1. A step-by-step process which leads to the launching of a rocket. Countdown starts at 23:00 hours tomorrow night and continues for 24 hours. 2. Process of counting inversely during the acts leading to a launch; liftoff occurs at zero. 3. The time immediately preceding an important undertaking, borrowed from ... Читать далее...
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- Перевод слова turnTurn — поворачивать, крутить, менять(ся); очередь Перевод слова Turn your eyes this way — посмотрите в эту сторону to turn a wheel — вращать колесо manners turn with time — с временами меняются и нравы in its turn — в свою очередь The car Turned over. Машина перевернулась. Turn down the radio. Сделай потише радио. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы turn the clock back[turn the clock back] {v. phr.} To return to an earlier period. Mother wished she could turn the clock back to the days before thechildren grew up and left home. Will repealing the minimum wagefor workers under age eighteen turn the clock back to the abuses ofthe last century?...
- Watching Sports on TVLaura: Oh, I didn’t think I’d Make it home in time for the game. Jun: What game? Laura: The Playoffs! Turn on the TV. I hope it’s still in the First quarter. It is! Who’s winning? What’s the Score? Jun: I don’t know. You know I don’t watch sports. Whao! That was a Great shot. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы turn over[turn over] {v.} 1. To roll, tip, or turn from one side to theother; overturn; upset. He’s going to turn over the page. Thebike hit a rock and turned over. 2, To think about carefully; toconsider. He turned the problem over in his mind for three daysbefore he did anything about it. 3. To give ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы do the trick[do the trick] {v. phr.}, {informal} To bring success in doing something; have a desired result. Jim was not passing in English, but he studied harder and that did the trick. The car wheels slipped on the ice, so Tom put sand under them, which did the trick. Compare: TURN THE TRICK....
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- Значение идиомы wear thin[wear thin] {v.} 1. To become thin from use, wearing, or thepassing of time. My old pair of pants has worn thin at the knees. This old dime has worn very thin. 2. To grow less, or lessinteresting; decrease. The joke began to wear thin when you heardit too many times. The teacher’s patience began ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы on a dime