[nobody’s fool] {n. phr.} A smart person; a person who knows whathe is doing; a person who can take care of himself.
In theclassroom and on the football field, Henry was nobody’s fool.
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- April Fool’s Day — День ДуракаAmerican author and satirist Mark Twain summed up the nature of the holiday thus: «The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.» It is a day for harmless tricks and good laughs. The origin of April Fool’s Day or ‘All Fools’ Day goes back ... Читать далее...
- Collection 15If you were a swine, you would be what you are now! You say that you are always bright and early. Well, OK!! We know you are early. A half-wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you held on to it. You’re nobody’s fool. Let’s see if we can get someone to adopt ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова yesterdayYesterday — вчера, недавнее прошлое Перевод слова From yesterday — со вчерашнего дня an invention of yesterday — изобретение последнего времени all pomp of yesterday — вся недавняя пышность yesterday’s newspaper — вчерашняя газета I was not born Yesterday. Я не вчера родился, у меня уже есть опыт. We went skiing Yesterday. Вчера мы катались ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы in person[in person] also [in the flesh] {adv. phr.} Yourself; personally. A TV actor appeared in person today in school. The governorcannot march in the parade in person today, but his wife wilt march. Compare: FACE-TO-FACE. Contrast: INSTEAD OF....
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- Значение идиомы half-time[half-time] {n.} A rest period in the middle of certain games. Isaw Henry at the football game and I went over and talked to him athalf-time. The pep squad put on a drill at half-time when weplayed basketball with our old rivals....
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- Значение идиомы rock the boat[rock the boat] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make trouble and risklosing or upsetting something; cause a disturbance that may spoil aplan. The other boys said that Henry was rocking the boat bywanting to let girls into their club. Politicians don’t like torock the boat around election time. Compare: UPSET THE APPLE CART. Contrast: LET WELL ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы a little[a little] {n.} or {adj.} A small amount ; some. — Usually «a little» is different in meaning from «little», which emphasizes the negative; «a little» means «some»; but «little» means «not much». We say «We thought that the paper was all gone, but a little was left.» But we say, «We thought we still ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы in progress[in progress] {adj. phr.} Going ahead; being made or done;happening. Plans are in progress to build a new school next year. A dog ran out on the playing field while the game was in progress. Contrast: IN CHECK....
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Значение идиомы nobody’s fool