[make the best of] {v. phr.} To do something you do not like to doand not complain; accept with good humor.
The girl did not like towash dishes but she made the best of it.
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- Значение идиомы take a back seat[take a back seat] {v. phr.}, {informal} To accept a poorer orlower position; be second to something or someone else. During thewar all manufacturing had to take a back seat to military needs. She does not have to take a back seat to any singer alive. Compare:PLAY SECOND FIDDLE....
- Значение идиомы take for granted[take for granted] {v. phr.} 1. To suppose or understand to betrue. Mr. Harper took for granted that the invitation included hiswife. A teacher cannot take it for granted that students always dotheir homework. Compare: BEG THE QUESTION. 2. To accept or becomeused to without noticing especially or saying anything. George took for granted all ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы wear well[wear well] {v.} 1. To continue to be satisfactory, useful, orliked for a long time. My old overcoat has worn very well. Their marriage has worn well. That author wears well. Compare:STAND UP. 2. To carry, accept, or treat properly or well. Grandfather wears his years well. Tommy has won many honors buthe wears them ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы make the best of