[let one’s hair down] or [let down one’s hair] {v. phr.},{informal} Act freely and naturally; be informal; relax.
Kings andqueens can seldom let their hair down.
After the dance, thecollege girls let their hair down and compared dates.
Compare: LETGO.
Тема по английскому день города.
Topic about winter holiday.
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- Волосы и прически (Hair and hairstyles), лексика и слова по темеHairdresser’s (hair salon) – парикмахерская Barber’s shop – мужская парикмахерская Hairdresser (hair stylist) — парикмахер Barber – мужской парикмахер Haircut – стрижка Hairdo (hairstyle, coiffure) – прическа Updo – высокая прическа Fringe – челка Ponytail – хвост Swept-back hair – гладкая прическа Bun – пучок, гулька Braids (plaits) – косы French plait – французская коса ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы perish the thought[perish the thought] {v. phr.} Let us not even think of it; may itnever come true. — Used as an exclamation. If John fails thecollege entrance exam — perish the thought — he will go back to highschool for one more year. Perish the thought that Mary should havecancer. Compare: GOD FORBID....
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Значение идиомы let one’s hair down