[leaf through] {v. phr.} To scan or glance through a book or otherreading matter.
I only had time to leaf through the program beforethe concert started.
Keeping fit and doing sports топик.
Animals and pets топик.
Related topics:
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- Значение идиомы dip into[dip into] {v. phr.} 1. To scan or sample lightly and briefly. I didn’t get a chance to read all of War and Peace, but I dipped into it here and there. 2. To take money out of a savings account or a piggy bank. I am sorry to have to say that I had ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы in fact[in fact] also [in point of fact] {adv. phr.} Really truthfully. — Often used for emphasis. No one believed it but, in fact, Mary didget an A on her book report. It was a very hot day; in fact, itwas 100 degrees. Compare: MATTER OF FACT....
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- Значение идиомы to the eye[to the eye] {adv. phr.} As it is seen; as a person or thing firstseems; apparently. That girl looks to the eye like a nice girl toknow, but she is really rather mean. That suit appears to the eyeto be a good buy, but it may not be. Compare: AT FIRST GLANCE....
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Значение идиомы leaf through