[home brew] {n. phr.} A beer or other malt liquor made at home, notin a brewery.
Home brew reached its greatest popularity in Americaduring national prohibition.
Топик my home.
Healthy food topic.
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- Перевод идиомы feel at home, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: feel at home Перевод: чувствовать себя как дома; чувствовать себя удобно и расслабленно Пример: I always feel at home when I visit my friend. Я всегда чувствую себя как дома, когда прихожу к своему другу....
- Why Samuel Adams supports its competitorsJim Koch is chairman of Boston Beer, a pioneer of the craft-beer movement and brewer of Samuel Adams. The business, which Koch founded in 1984, had $739 million in revenue last year. Since 2008, Boston Beer has given out more than $3 million in microloans to craft brewers and other small businesses in the food, ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы in the least[in the least] {adv. phr.} Even a little; in any degree or amount.- Used in negative, interrogative, and conditional sentences. Suedid not understand physics in the least. Are you in the leastinterested in sewing? Mother won’t be upset if you come forsupper; I’ll be surprised if she cares in the least. Mike was notupset in ... Читать далее...
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- Working from a Home OfficeAdrina: So this is your new home office. It’s nice. Victor: It’s Functional, and I like it. When my company decided to lower its Overhead by Decentralizing, it gave employees the option to work from home. When I heard that, I didn’t Think twice about making the change. Adrina: I’m not surprised. Lots of people ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы home brew