[do credit] or [do credit to] also [do proud] To add to or improve the reputation, good name, honor, or esteem of; show deserve praise.
Your neat appearance does you credit.
Mary’s painting would do credit to a real artist.
Sports and games.
At the doctor's.
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- At the Art ExhibitI really wanted to see the new Exhibit at the art museum and invited Lucy to come along. We both like Contemporary art and this was an Exhibition for an artist that we’ve both liked, Ever since she was An up and coming artist 10 years ago. This was a Retrospective so there was going ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы come alive[come alive] or [come to life] {v.} 1. {informal} To become alert or attentive; wake up and look alive; become active. When Mr. Simmons mentioned money, the boys came alive. Bob pushed the starter button, and the engine came alive with a roar. 2. To look real; take on a bright, natural look. Under skillful ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы hold one’s head up[hold one’s head up] {v. phr.} To show self-respect; not beashamed; be proud. When Mr. Murray had paid off his debts, he feltthat he could hold his head up again....
- Portrait PaintingВ топике Портретная живопись я хочу рассказать о самостоятельном жанре изобразительного искусства, целью которого является отображение визуальных характеристик модели. На портрете изображается внешний облик, а через него и внутренний мир конкретного, реально существующего человека. Главная задача художника-портретиста – добиться не только максимального внешнего сходства портрета с оригиналом, но и точно передать индивидуальные черты характера, создать ... Читать далее...
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- Improving Online ReviewsJerrise: Okay, you were right. We need to do something to improve business. Do you think we should Take out an ad in the local newspaper? Russell: We could do that, but I think a better strategy is to improve our Online reviews. Jerrise: Who looks at websites with Unsolicited reviews? I’m not convinced that’ll ... Читать далее...
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- Describing Facial FeaturesI was Mugged while I was walking home last night. This morning, I was at the police station with a Sketch artist to see if we could come up with a picture of what the thief looked like. Sketch artist: Okay, you said that this was a man in his 40’s. Can you tell me ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы do credit