[boys will be boys] Boys are only children and must sometimes get into mischief or trouble or behave too roughly.
Boys will be boys and make a lot of noise, so John’s mother told him and his friends to play in the park instead of the back yard.
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- Перевод идиомы look for trouble, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: look for trouble Перевод: напрашиваться на неприятности; сделать что-либо, что может повлечь неприятности Пример: The young boys spend every Saturday evening walking around and looking for trouble. Маленькие мальчики проводили каждое воскресенье, разгуливая по округе и напрашиваясь на неприятности....
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- Значение идиомы go off[go off] {v.} 1. To leave; to depart. Helen’s mother told hernot to go off without telling her. 2a. To be fired; explode. Thefirecracker went off and scared Jack’s dog. 2b. To begin to ring orbuzz. The alarm clock went off at six o’clock and woke Father. 3.To happen. The party went off without any ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы boys will be boys