Winnie The????
“Winnie The????”
It was the first day after Christmas vacation in a 3rd grade class. The teacher told the class that each student could tell the class one thing they got for Christmas. So, the teacher calls on a girl to come up to the front of the class and tell everyone 1 thing she got. “My daddy got me a Bow-Wow,” she said. The teacher tells the class that they are old enough to know the correct words for things without using nicknames. The teacher tells the girl to try again. The girl thinks real hard…….. “My dad got me a dog,” she said. She sat down and a boy got up and said, “I got a choo-choo!” The teacher scolded him and told him to try again. The boy thought hard and said, “I got an electric train!!” That boy sits down and a really shy kid gets up and sadly says, “I got a book” The teacher feels bad for the kid and she asks, “What was the title of the book??” The boy thinks very hard. The class waits as the boy is thinking. Finally, the boys face brightened and he said, “Winnie The Shit!!”
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