Lyla: Okay, here’s a Hypothetical. You ask a girl for her Number, but wait two weeks to call her. What gives?
George: Well, that Depends. Why?
Lyla: Well, I met this guy two weeks ago at a party. We spent the entire evening talking and I thought we really Hit it off. We had a lot of Chemistry and we had A ton of things In common. He asked for my number and he said he’d call me the next day. And then, I didn’t hear Hide nor hair of him until yesterday, 10 days after we met. How come?
George: What did he say when he called? What was his Pathetic excuse?
Lyla: I didn’t talk to him. I wasn’t home and he left a voicemail message. I haven’t called him back yet.
George: Why don’t you just call him and find out?
Lyla: He just called yesterday and I don’t want to seem Desperate.
George: Oh, come on. He probably just lost your number and found it yesterday.
Lyla: That’s possible.
George: Or he had to go out of town and just got back.
Lyla: I suppose.
George: Or maybe he was nervous about calling you and just Got up the nerve.
Lyla: Do you really think so?
George: Maybe. Or maybe he’s Playing hard to get Or he’s just Not that into you.
Lyla: Oh.
George: But you won’t know if you don’t call him back.
Lyla: I guess that’s true.
My biographe.
Multiculturalism in the modern world.
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Waiting for a Man or Woman to Call