Khaled: Are you going to the Polling place or are you Voting by Absentee ballot again?
Bernice: I always vote with an absentee ballot so I can vote in the comfort of my own home and In my own time. In fact, I’ve already mailed in my ballot.
Khaled: Good for you. Which Candidate did you vote for in the governor’s Race?
Bernice: I didn’t vote for either of the Bozos that are running. I voted for a Write-in candidate.
Khaled: A write-in candidate? There isn’t A snowball’s chance in hell that a write-in candidate is going to win this Election.
Bernice: That may be so, but I have to vote with my Conscience, and I Can’t bring myself to vote for either of those people. Have you voted?
Khaled: Not yet. I’m going to vote at the polls on Election Day. I want more time to think about whom to vote for and To read up on the Ballot measures. There are a lot of them this time.
Bernice: Yeah, but the governor’s race is the only thing I care about. I Can’t stand the thought of having either of those bozos as the next governor.
Khaled: Just out of curiosity, who did you write in as a candidate?
Bernice: You.
Khaled: Me?! You’re crazy. I don’t want to be governor.
Bernice: It was either you or me, and I’d rather not be a candidate and have to Be in the company of those bozos.
Topic communication.
Тема туризм английский.
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Voting in an Election