Bobbie: I’ve always Pegged you as the Non-violent type. What’s with your Fascination with guns and that sort of thing?
Emmanuel: I Come from a long line of military officers and I grew up with all of it. Believe it or not, I learned how To fire pistols and Rifles before I was 10 years old, and by the time I was 14, I was a pretty Good shot.
Bobbie: I hope you fired at Targets and not at people.
Emmanuel: No, not people. We did do some Hunting when I was young, but I mainly Honed my skills with Target practice.
Bobbie: I’d like to try target practice – with a Machine gun or a Grenade launcher! I’m sure I’d at least hit something.
Emmanuel: Yeah, right. What really interests me are the big Weapons, like Missiles – you know, like Antiballistic missiles and Torpedoes.
Bobbie: You can have all of the missiles you want. I’ll be hiding in the Tank!
День святого патрика по-английски.
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Types of Guns and Weapons