The scene is a dark jungle in Africa

The scene is a dark jungle in Africa. Two tigers are stalking through the brush when the one to the rear reaches out with his tongue and licks the ass of the tiger in front. The startled tiger turns around and says, «Hey! Cut it out, alright!» The rear tiger says, «sorry,» and they continue. After about another five minutes, the rear tiger again reaches out with his tongue and licks the ass of the tiger in front. The front tiger turns around and cuffs the rear tiger and says, «I said stop it!» The rear tiger says, «sorry,» and they continue. After about another five minutes, the rear tiger once more licks the ass of the tiger in front. The front tiger turns around and asks the rear tiger, «What is it with you, anyway?» The rear tiger replies, «Well, I just ate a lawyer and I’m trying to get the taste out of my mouth!»

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The scene is a dark jungle in Africa