Advertising Jobs on the Internet

Wendy: I just heard that you’re not going to use a Recruitment agency to fill the new position. Pedro: No, I’m not. There are so many Internet Job boards out there that I think

A Restaurant Drive-Thru

I had a little time between appointments and stopped at a fast food restaurant to get some lunch. The idea was To save time by using the drive-thru, but it didn’t work out that

Getting Caught in the Rain

Margo: Oh geez, you’re Drenched! It wasn’t supposed to rain today. Ali: I know. I looked at the Weather report last night and it was supposed to be a nice day. That’s the last

Finding a Roommate

Carlos: Now that your boyfriend has moved out, you need a Roommate. There’s no way you can Afford this apartment on your own. Inez: I know, but I really don’t want to live with

A Corporate Takeover

Lee: Hello, Lee Williams. Bruce: Hi, Lee. This is Bruce Eng. The reason I’m calling is to find out if there is any news about your company’s Takeover bid for Shamrock Corp. It’s been

Usain Bolt Demands His Ad Shoots Be Done In Jamaica

Usain Bolt has brought a lot of money to Jamaica on many weekends. If any international company is thinking of shooting Usain Bolt for an ad campaign, you best start location scouting in Jamaica.

Describing Accuracy and Inaccuracy

Rona: This is impossible. I’m never going to hit the Target. Why is it that I’m the only one in this Archery class who has no Aim? Leonardo: You’re doing fine. I can tell

The Oval Portrait на английском языке писателя Edgar Allan Poe

The chateau into which my valet had ventured to make forcible entrance, rather than permit me, in my desperately wounded condition, to pass a night in the open air, was one of those piles

Renting a Movie

Brenda: I have to return these movies in the Drop box today or I’ll have Late fees. Can I get you anything while I’m out? Jang: Are you still Renting movies from the Video

Being Late for an Event

Eric: Let’s Get a move on or we’ll be late – again! Carmen: Hold your horses. I’m On the verge of being ready. Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know. Eric: A day?
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