Picking up a Rental Car

Ralph: I have a Reservation for a car. Clerk: What is the last name on the reservation? Ralph: It’s Furcal. Clerk: Just one moment. I have a reservation for Ralph Furcal, picking up today

Getting an Online Degree

Carlos: So where are you planning on attending college? Torrie: I’ve picked Harford University. Carlos: The only Harford University I’ve heard of is a Degree mill. Torrie: I’m sure it’s not the same one.

Eating a School Lunch

Chris: What are you doing? Let’s get into the hot Lunch line. Sybil: See this Lunchbox? My mom made me Brown-bag it today. She says that the lunches served at school aren’t Nutritious enough.

Saying No

Liang: I have a favor to ask. Christian: Uh oh, what is it? Liang: I’m doing a project for my class in Culinary school and I need a volunteer to taste some of my

Becoming a Spy

Vaughn: You’ve been reading that novel for hours. What is it? Sydney: It’s a Spy novel and it’s really good. It’s about a man who is Recruited by the C. I. A. to work

One Thousand Dollars на английском языке писателя O. Henry

“One thousand dollars,” repeated Lawyer Tolman, solemnly and severely, “and here is the money.” Young Gillian gave a decidedly amused laugh as he fingered the thin package of new fifty-dollar notes. “It’s such a

Problems at the Office

Lucy: Hey Jeff, can I Pick your brain for a minute? Jeff: Sure, what’s up? Lucy: Well, I have a Sticky situation at work and I wanted to get your Input. You’re always so

Noisy Neighbors

I live in a quiet neighborhood. At least that’s what I thought until last week. I live in a Cul de sac In a Residential neighborhood in Los Angeles. There is a nice retired

Holding Structured and Unstructured Meetings

Diego: Okay, why don’t you Brief me on what you’ve planned for the meeting tomorrow? Maya: Sure. At the meeting of the managers tomorrow, we’ll begin with introductions. Since you’re the most Senior manager,

Quitting Smoking

Vera: Hi, I thought you might be out here. Geez, it’s really cold! Paul: I know, but I really needed a Smoke break after that long meeting. Can I Bum one off you? I
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