Monica: Wow, Check you out! When did you buy a new car?
Kevin: This isn’t just any new car. It’s a Ferrari.
Monica: I can see that. It must have Set you back a few.
Kevin: Yeah, but it was Worth it. You should see the looks I get riding around in this Baby. My brother is Green with envy.
Monica: Then you’ve been Showing it off around town.
Kevin: No, I’ve just been showing it off to a few friends and family members. There’s no sense owning a fine machine like this and not Bragging a little, right?
Monica: Especially since your brother has been Gloating about his new boat, you mean.
Kevin: There is that. I don’t want To toot my own horn, but I think a new Ferrari Trumps a Measly new boat, don’t you?
Monica: Do you and your brother always Whip it out like this?
Kevin: Like what? I’m just sharing my new toy with my brother. I’m sure he’s just as happy for me as I was for him when he bought his new boat.
Monica: Truer words were never spoken.
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