В топике Рестораны я рассказываю, какие бывают рестораны и почему люди предпочитают время от времени посещать и дорогие рестораны, и кафе Fast food. Еще рестораны делятся в зависимости от кухни, например, бывают рестораны итальянской, мексиканской, китайской, японской кухни и т. д. Каждый из нас может выбрать ресторан по-своему вкусу.
Today there are a lot of different restaurants and cafes where you can eat delicious and expensive food. In restaurants people can also meet and communicate with their friends, relatives or business partners.
There are many types of restaurants. They are divided into groups for price class, for service type (fast food, smorgasbord, a la carte), for type of cuisine (Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian and others).
Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy working people and it is not expensive. For example, McDonald’s restaurants sell what is called «fast» or «junk» food — hamburgers, chips and so on. Such food is very popular, especially with children and teenagers. Personally, I don’t go to fast food restaurants often because I think that fast food is tasty, cheap but it is not completely healthy. But sometimes I can relax, enjoy the food and celebrate some event with my friends there.
There are many traditional restaurants of a la carte menu. The service is usually excellent and friendly waiters help you to relax and enjoy your meal fully.
You can try any types of food in restaurants – you can try homemade cakes, beefsteaks, pasta and macaroni and others. For a main course you can order fish, meat or chicken with some rice or potatoes, also you can ask for pasta and salad. You can eat a bowl of ice-cream, a pieces of apple pie, strawberries with cream or something like that for dessert. For drink you can order a glass of water or juice, a cup of coffee or tea or alcohol drink such as wine or beer.
Many people often prefer restaurants of national cuisine such as Italian, Mexican and other. This restaurants offer types of food which are traditional for one or other country. For example, in the Italian restaurant you find many kinds of pasta, vegetables, cheese. In Mexican restaurant you are offered many meet dishes with different hot sauces. Personally, I dislike going to a Chinese restaurant but I prefer to order a portion of traditional rolls and a cup green tea in Japanese restaurant.
Everyone can find a café or restaurant for own taste. I think that restaurants are important part of public life.
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