Questions and Answers at a Presentation
Our company hired an Outside firm to Set up a computer system to help us Keep track of the progress on major projects. The company gave us a presentation on how the new system Worked. Afterwards, the employees got a chance to ask questions.
Cecelia: So, In a nutshell, those are the Features of the new system. Any questions?
Yuri: Yes, I have a question. From your description, It sounds like the new system may be difficult to use. Can you speak to that?
Cecelia: I understand your concern, But actually, the system is very simple to use. I mentioned a lot of features that the system has, but the Typical employee won’t be using more than two or three On a daily basis. Yes, you had a question?
Alessandro: Yeah, My biggest concern is that all of the employees in the company will have Access to the system. How does this affect My projects that have Sensitive information?
Cecelia: That’s a good question. One of the Key features Of the program is that it Allows the project manager to Limit access for any of His or her Projects. Now, If there are no other questions, thank you all for coming and we Look forward to working with you in the future.
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