Half — половина, частичный Перевод слова
A half knowledge of the subject — недостаточное знание предмета
half light — неполный свет
half the profits — половина прибылей
half empty — наполовину пустой
It’s Half past one.
Сейчас половина второго.
What is Half of six?
Сколько будет, если шесть разделить пополам?
Two Halves make a whole.
Две половинки составляют целое.
Интересные факты
Используется как часть составных слов, привнося значение «половина, часть», например:
Halfway — на полпути;
Half-dozen — полдюжины, шесть;
Half-hour — тридцатиминутный, получасовой;
Half-life — период полураспада;
Half-and-half — смесь двух веществ в равных частях, и т. п.
Studying abroad education is an.
Брэдбери биография на английском.
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- Значение идиомы half-hearted[half-hearted] {adj.} Lacking enthusiasm or interest. Phil madeseveral half-hearted attempts to learn word processing, but we couldsee that he didn’t really like it....
- Значение идиомы at half mast[at half mast] {prep. phr.} Halfway up or down; referring primarily to flag posts, but may be used jokingly. When a president of the United States dies, all flags are flown at half mast....
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- Значение идиомы half a loaf is better than none[half a loaf is better than none] or [half a loaf is better than nobread] Part of what we want or need is better than nothing. — Aproverb. Albert wanted two dollars for shoveling snow from thesidewalk but the lady would only give him a dollar. And he said thathalf a loaf is better than ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы half-time[half-time] {n.} A rest period in the middle of certain games. Isaw Henry at the football game and I went over and talked to him athalf-time. The pep squad put on a drill at half-time when weplayed basketball with our old rivals....
- Значение идиомы half-baked[half-baked] {adj.}, {informal} Not thought out or studiedthoroughly; not worth considering or accepting. We wish Tom wouldnot take our time at meetings to offer his half-baked ideas. Wecannot afford to put the government in the hands of people withhalf-baked plans....
Перевод слова half