Our Street

В топике Наша улица — я рассказываю о своей любимой улице Сосновой. Моя улица хорошо спланирована, находится на окраине города, здесь спокойно и тихо, а воздух чист – из-за отсутствия большого транспортного движения и обилия зеленых насаждений. Мне нравится наша улица, и я не хотел бы жить где-либо еще.

I live in Sosnova Street. It is a very quiet street on the outskirts of our city.

Though it has not any special places of interest and not visited by tourists, I really like it. All houses are neat and well-planned here. Most of them have big gardens or just some flowerbeds.

It’s very green in spring and summer. There are a lot of trees in it. The sidewalks are lined with lime trees. There are also many fruit-trees and lilacs in the people’s gardens. In May the whole street turns into a blooming garden.

There isn’t much traffic in Sosnova Street. The air is fresh, it isn’t polluted with gases.

I like to come back to our street after a day spent in the centre of the city. I hate noise and crowds in downtown. I wouldn’t like to live in a different street.

My favourite food is на английском.
Достопримечательности сша на английском с переводом.

Our Street