Once in a medieval times, there was a King who was getting sort of
Once in a medieval times, there was a King who was getting sort of bored after dinner one night. He decided to hold a contest of who at the court had the mightiest “weapon”. The first knight stood up and proclaimed that he had the mightiest weapon…he pulled down his pants and tied a 5 pound weight around it. The weapon doth rose. The crowds cheered…the women swooned…the children waved multi-colored banners…and the band played appropriate music. Another knight stood up and yelled that he had the mightiest weapon. He dropped his pants and tied a 10 pound weight to himself. The weapon doth rose. The crowds cheered…the women swooned…the children waved multi-colored banners… and the band played appropriate music. After several more knights tried to prove their superiority…the King finally spoke out. “I have the mightiest weapon of them all!” He dropped his pants and tied, not a 10 pound, not a 20 pound, not ever a thirty pound, but a 40 pound weight to himself. The weapon doth rose. The crowds cheered…the women swooned…the children waved multi-colored banners… and the band played “God Save the Queen.”
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