My Weekend
В топике Мои выходные я расскажу, как я провел последнее воскресенье. Ко мне пришли в гости мои друзья, и мы хорошо провели время, посмотрев передачу “Что? Где? Когда?” и художественный фильм “День независимости”, который мне очень понравился. Потом мы пошли на спортивную площадку, где мы играли в футбол и баскетбол. Я люблю рассказывать о своих выходных и праздниках, в которые у нас есть возможность хорошо отдохнуть, наслаждаясь жизнью.
Yesterday it was Sunday, so my last weekend was not too long ago and I remember it quite well. I always try to do my best to make my holidays really exciting, because we have only few days in a week for relaxation and rest.
Yesterday my friends and I agreed to meet at my place. First we watched a very interesting TV show “What? Where? When?”. Then we took a videocassette and watched an outstanding movie “The Independence Day”. This is a story about strangers from the other planets that were trying to conquer the whole Earth and about the struggle against them. The movie is full of visual effects and computer graphics that takes your breath and makes you admire the modern technologies in the cinema. I wish our studios and directors made such movies. “The Independence Day” can be added to the genius pieces of modern art – that is my opinion.
Having watched the film, we decided that it was a time to go outside. The first place we went to was the sports ground. Though it was rather cold, we put on warm clothes and had much fun. Almost all day long we played soccer and basketball.
As for me, I like weekends and holidays, as the majority of other people. And I like telling about my holidays. It’s dull to listen about the ordinary working day, how do you think? Every working day looks like another, but every weekend is different from the other. During the weekend we have an opportunity to enjoy the life and having rest.
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