В топике Деньги я рассуждаю о том, какую роль в жизни каждого человека играют деньги. Без денег жить, конечно, нельзя, но погоня за «огромными» деньгами разрушает человека и обрекает его на одиночество. Ведь за деньги нельзя купить ни любовь, ни счастье, ни дружбу.
Money doesn’t buy happiness but it helps.
Money has become one of the main things in our modern life. Some people live their lives to earn money. They work hard, trying to earn as much money as they can. Some of them become crazy about it and lose their dignity hunting money. They don’t appreciate such important things as family, friendship, love and other feelings. Such people become greedy, they spend their lives in loneliness.
I don’t deny that money influences our life a lot. As W. S. Maugham said » Money is like the sixth feeling without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five.» I quite agree. A person can’t be happy if he has no money to satisfy his natural needs. But I think that money should have a limit. A person shouldn’t have too much money. It begins destroying him and becomes his curse.
It is said in the Bible that «The love of money is the root of all evil.» Yes, big sums of money really bring different problems because people feel very envious and jealous of other’s fortune. The majority of all the crimes are made because of money.
I’m among the people who consider that money is not all-powerful. Humanity, dignity, intelligence, kindness and other good qualities of a person can’t be bought for money. We’ll never be able to buy pure love, real friendship and loving and caring family. But life isn’t worth living without these things. It’s not worth living if money has become the point of it either.
Проект на тему мои планы на будущее.
Topic the best friend.
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