Reiko: When I die, I want a big Funeral. The more Mourners the better!
Lucas: Not me. I’m just the opposite. I don’t want any kind of funeral or Wake. I just want to be Cremated and have my Ashes scattered.
Reiko: What? You don’t want to be Buried in a beautiful Casket with a big Headstone? Better yet, how about being Interred in a Mausoleum?
Lucas: You’ve got to be kidding me! Why would I all want all of that Hoopla? I’m dead. What difference would it make to me?
Reiko: It’s not for you. It’s for the mourners. Having a ceremony and a burial will help them Grieve.
Lucas: Not my friends and family. The less Fuss the better for them. Most of my family is buried in simple Gravesites in Non-denominational cemeteries.
Reiko: What’s the fun in that?
Lucas: I think you’re forgetting one thing: we’re talking about death. It’s not supposed to be Fun and games!
The road to the stars.
The bolshoi theatre is one of.
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Making Funeral and Burial Arrangements