Olena: We need To keep pace with changing technology, but how are we going To raise capital to upgrade our Equipment?
Joel: I’m not sure. Maybe we can find a Supplier who will Extend credit to us. We can pay in Installments.
Olena: That’ll be hard to do. No one wants to extend credit these days.
Joel: I know what my brother did when his company needed new equipment.
Olena: What?
Joel: He Leased it instead of buying it.
Olena: Leasing equipment? I’ve never considered it. I don’t want To end up paying more for the equipment over time than it’s worth, and still not own the equipment at the end of the Contract.
Joel: The Flip side is that you won’t be Saddled with outdated equipment that’s hard To offload. My brother says that there are other advantages to leasing. You can have the Maintenance included in your contract, so you won’t have to worry about high repair bills.
Olena: I don’t know…
Joel: And my brother also told me that he was able to negotiate a Purchase option. You can do the same if you really want to own the equipment.
Olena: Your brother really seems to know what he’s talking about. Why isn’t he working for me?
Joel: You have someone even better. You have an employee who listens and steals the Competitors‘ good ideas.
Participle 1 2 упражнения.
Идиома с air.
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Leasing Business Equipment