Are there any practical rules for healthy living? Very few. The formula for healthy life cannot be put into words — it can only be practised. Some people break the so-called health every day and escape punishment and some look after their health and don’t live any longer in the end.
There are hardly any rules worth having but there are some principles which will help to counteract the harmful genes.
These principles are: love in childhood. Love from parents.
Another principle is — healthy nutrition — with all elements in proper proportion.
Then comes control of environment— air, water and especially the new pollutives.
Remember, too, the animals — they have a right to share in the health we want for ourselves.
Stresses are an essential part of being alive — but the art of life is to arrange rules that stress does not become strain. A healthy organism is extremely tough. It can withstand overwork, fatigue, anxiety, microbes — up to a certain point, of course.
A personal belief— the most important element in a healthy life is some faith in life which mobilizes our faculties and makes the most of them.
Perhaps these health principles seem too theoretical, but they are golden rules which can stretch our powers and help us in our fight against harmful genes.
One of the most striking features of British life is the self-discipline and courtesy of people of all classes. There is little noisy behaviour, and practically no loud disputing in the street. People do not rush excitedly for seats in buses or trains, but take their seats in queues at bus stops in a quiet and orderly manner.
The British are naturally polite and are never tired in saying «Thank you», «I’m sorry», «Beg your pardon». If you follow anyone who is entering a building or a room, he will hold a door open for you. Many foreigners have commented on a remarkable politeness of the British people.
The British don’t like displaying their emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations, and ordinary people seem to remain good-tempered and cheerful under difficulties.
They don’t like any boasting or showing off in manners, dress or speech.
Sometimes they conceal their knowledge: a linguist, for example, may not mention his understanding of a foreigner’s language.
Мой друг и я на английском.
Were back.
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