Clerk: Can I help you find something?
Adrian: Yes. Can you tell me where the Non-fiction Books are?
Clerk: Are you looking for Hardbacks or Paperbacks?
Adrian: I’m not sure. I think hardbacks.
Clerk: Well, the non-fiction New releases are at the front of the store. The non-fiction section is behind the Fiction shelves on your right. The hardbacks are on the top shelves and the paperbacks on the bottom ones. Is there a specific book I can help you find?
Adrian: I’m looking for an old book and I’m not sure of the Title. It’s something like, “The Literary Crisis.”
Clerk: Do you know the name of the Author?
Adrian: No, I don’t. I saw it mentioned online and I actually wrote down the ISBN, but I can’t find it now.
Clerk: Well, if it’s an old book, it may be Out-of-print, but let me Look it up in our system. If it was a Bestseller at one time, there’s a chance that it’s Still in print. Let me check…Okay, here it is. It was Published in 1982, and unfortunately, it is out-of-print. You may want to try a Used bookstore, like Bookwoman’s down the street.
Adrian: Thanks, I’ll Give them a try. I’m also looking for a biography. Can you tell me where they are?
Clerk: Sure. The Biographies are behind the Reference section over there. Let me know if you need any more help.
Adrian: Thanks. I appreciate it.
Диалог о театре на английском языке.
Письмо на английском holidays.
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Finding a Book at a Bookstore