Mariana: How long do you think it will be before the Stadium is finished?
Klaus: Don’t hold your breath. The plan for the stadium is Fundamentally flawed, but the government Rammed it down the throats of the Voters.
Mariana: Do you really think the project is Doomed?
Klaus: Haven’t you heard the reports of corruption and poor management? They’re Cutting corners left and right. I wouldn’t be surprised if the stadium is being built with Shoddy materials.
Mariana: Then the entire thing is a joke!
Klaus: Yes, and the Joke is on us. Government officials are Going through the motions, not caring about the results. All they care about is Lining their pockets.
Mariana: I have heard about the Cost overruns. Do you think the city will ever Recoup the money spent on this project?
Klaus: Maybe a little, if we can sell the entire thing as Scrap metal!
Текст на английском про колумба.
Table manners topic.
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