As is known in Britain there exists the accepted code of behavior. This accepted code of behavior of the British people doesn’t allow the straightforward expression of what they think and feel. In contrast to Russians who prefer directness, British people tend to understate things.
A conversation in English is full of hints, half tones and half-statements. British people will not particularly like to interfere in other people’s affairs. They are known to have a cult of privacy. They generally tend to keep to themselves to hate to intrude in other people’s privacy. For example, as a matter of fact, they don’t particularly like to speak about their personal matters and interests and when they do, they always do it in an apologetic manner. In a conversation they mostly avoid direct questions and strong dogmatic ones, ’cause the culturally accepted code of behavior doesn’t allow asking other people about their personal matters in a direct way.
So we see that the British are guided by the principal of non-interfering in other people’s affairs. The British see self-possession as the highest quality of human character. They regard the free display of emotions as vulgar and antisocial. They value highly the ability to stay calm in all kinds of situations and leave things unsaid. In one word — British are extremely reserved people.
They are also considered to be industrious, polite, tradition-loving, courteous, honest, extremely nationalistic and etc. They are known to have a specific sense of humor. To my mind their humor is delicate.
My home is my castle перевод.
Topic about our school.
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- English is the Language of CommunicationТопик Английский язык является языком общения — расскажет, что изучение иностранных языков необходимо в настоящее время. Но самым распространенным и важным для общения людей разных национальностей является английский язык. На нем говорят во всем мире и это официальный язык Великобритании, Ирландии, Соединенных Штатов Америки, Канады, Австралии. Зная английский язык, вы можете без проблем путешествовать по ... Читать далее...
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English stereotype — Английский стереотип