Dropping Out of College
Aaron: Mom, I have something to tell you and you’re not going to like it.
Margo: What is it?
Aaron: I’m Dropping out of college. I want to get out into The real world and get a job. I’m wasting time in school.
Margo: You’ll get a better job if you stay in school and Graduate with a Degree. You’ll have more Earning power and better Long-term prospects.
Aaron: I’m sick of school. All of my friends are earning money, buying cars, and living life. I feel like Life is passing me by.
Margo: Your friends didn’t go to college and got a job right out of high school.
Aaron: That’s right. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Margo: No, there isn’t. And right now, they seem to be living The high life. They don’t have any responsibilities and can Blow their Paychecks on having fun. Once they have a family, their paychecks Won’t stretch very far. With a degree, you’ll Out-Earn them Right out of the gate when you graduate in two years.
Aaron: I don’t want to wait.
Margo: This is all about Delayed gratification. A little Suffering now will Pay off in the Long run. Trust me. Two more years and you’ll be done
Aaron: Yeah, maybe I can stick it out for two more years and then no more school – ever!
Margo: Unless you decide to go to Graduate school…
Aaron: Mom, Don’t push it.
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