Describing the Taste of Food
Steve, my new boyfriend, decided to cook dinner for me. I was really excited, That is, until I tried his cooking.
Steve: What do you think of the soup?
I thought: This is so Bland, and what are these little Lumpy things in the soup? Of course I didn’t say that aloud.
Elaine: It’s Delicious. It has a very interesting Flavor.
When Steve served the main course, a baked chicken, he asked,
Steve: What do you think of the chicken? Is it too Salty or Spicy?
I thought: Yes! It’s too salty and it’s so spicy I can hardly eat it without breathing fire. The outside of the chicken is Overcooked and the inside is Raw! But out loud, I said,
Elaine: No, not at all! It has an interesting Texture and I’m enjoying every Bite.
I thought: Oh, no. Is there more? Steve went into the kitchen and brought dessert.
Steve: What do you think of this cake?
I thought: This cake should be Sweet, but it has a strange Sour taste. Could there be something seriously wrong with Steve’s Taste buds? But aloud, I said,
Elaine: It’s Yummy. It’s the best cake that anyone has ever made for me.
And it was true. I didn’t care how bad the meal was. It’s the thought that counts.
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