Dealing with a Mass Transit Strike

Marge: Where have you been? You should have been home over two hours ago!

Homer: I’ve been trying to get home. Haven’t you been watching the news? The transportation workers union has voted To strike. There was a Mass walkout at 4:30 p. m. today.

Marge: You’re kidding! I didn’t know anything about it. They Walked off the job right before the afternoon Commute?

Homer: Yeah, I think it was Calculated to make the biggest Impact so that The powers that be will Sit up and take notice.

Marge: You mean the walkout has Halted services on all public transportation – all buses, trains, and subways?

Homer: Yes, that’s right. Everything is at a Standstill. There are a lot of Disgruntled commuters out there.

Marge: When will services Be restored?

Homer: I have no idea. I imagine things won’t get back to normal before tomorrow morning’s commute.

Marge: So what are you going to do?

Homer: I might have to stay home from work. I’m Stranded with no Mass transit services.

Marge: Oh, That’s a shame.

Homer: Isn’t it, though?

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Dealing with a Mass Transit Strike