Dealing With a Contagious Disease
Isabelle: You can’t walk through that door with all of your clothes on!
Linus: What?! I’ve just come off of a 12-hour flight. I’m tired and I want to get into my own house and into my own bed.
Isabelle: I know, but you’ve just returned from McQuillanland and I’ve just read that anyone who has been there may be a Carrier of a Communicable disease called Niebola. It can be Transmitted through Casual contact, so even if you don’t have it, you could Spread it.
Linus: So what am I supposed to do? Stand out here for the rest of my life?
Isabelle: Of course not. Take off your clothes.
Linus: You want me to take off my clothes in front of the house? Are you crazy?!
Isabelle: No, the best way To prevent the spread of this Infectious disease is To burn clothing that has been In contact with it, and To bathe you thoroughly.
Linus: I’m not Stripping down to my Underwear out here.
Isabelle: But aren’t you worried about transmitting Niebola to me and everyone you know? No one is Immune. You could start an Epidemic!
Linus: All right, but I’m going around to the back door where no one can see me, okay?
Isabelle: Great! I’ll get your bath ready. I just have to heat the Mayonnaise.
Linus: What?! You want me to take a bath in mayonnaise?
Isabelle: That’s the only way to kill Niebola.
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