Jack: I’ve had it. I’m going to start Treating women like dirt. I’d get more dates.
Alison: What brought this on?
Jack: I Got dumped again by a woman who thinks I’m too nice – too nice! She says she wants to be with someone who’s more Assertive and Unpredictable. She didn’t say it In so many words, but that means she thinks I’m a Wimp and I’m boring.
Alison: My guess is she wants a Bad boy. A lot of women go through that Phase. We want excitement and drama, The thrill of the chase.
Jack: You mean they choose to be with Selfish, Irresponsible jerks because it’s exciting?
Alison: I hate to say it, but it’s true. But I’m telling you, this phase doesn’t last in most women. When we want To settle down, that’s when we look for the Nice guys.
Jack: You mean I have to wait until then to get a nice girlfriend?
Alison: No, I simply mean that until then, Nice guys finish last.
Jack: Well, I’m not willing to wait.
Alison: Where are you going?
Jack: I’m going to work on my Swagger and my Sneer.
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Dating Nice Guys and Bad Boys