Pablo: Okay everybody, have a seat. The purpose of this meeting is to get everybody On the same page.
I’m Passing out the Fact sheet we’ve prepared. This fact sheet gives a Rundown on what has happened To date so that no one is In the dark about our current situation.
We’ve also prepared these Talking points. This is for Internal use only. I don’t want them Leaked to the media. These talking points have been prepared to help everyone stay On message. Anyone talking to the media Off-script will have to Answer to me.
These talking points Preempt many of the possible questions you’ll be asked. We hope To take the wind out of their sails by addressing some of the media’s most likely questions Up front. Any questions?
Suzanna: Um, I’ve read through these talking points and I’m still not sure how to answer one key question.
Pablo: What’s that?
Suzanna: Have we solved the huge issue that’s the cause of our current problems?
Pablo: It goes without saying that if the media ever wants a Straightforward answer, our response is always “No comment.”
Биография уильяма шекспира на английском.
Free time topic.
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- Starting a Franchise BusinessMagdalena: Thanks for meeting with me today. I’ve read through the materials your company sent me, but I still have some questions about opening a Franchise. Phil: That’s what I’m here for. What questions can I answer for you? Magdalena: Well, I’m familiar with the Franchise fee, but are there Recurring fees not listed in ... Читать далее...
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- About Mass MediaModern world is full of information of various kinds which sometimes is even more valuable than money. (Современный мир полон информации различных видов, которая иногда даже более ценна, чем деньги.) Mass media (the press, radio, television and Internet) have a very big impact on modern society. (Масс медиа (пресса, радио, телевидение и интернет) имеют очень ... Читать далее...
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