Pharmacist: Can I help you?
Sanaz: Yes, I had some questions for the Pharmacist.
Pharmacist: I’m the pharmacist. How can I help you?
Sanaz: Can I fill these Prescriptions here?
Pharmacist: Yes, you can. Just give those to the Pharmacy technician and she’ll take care of you.
Sanaz: The reason I ask is that I’m hoping there’s a Home remedy for my problems so I don’t have to pay for prescription Medication.
Pharmacist: If you’ve already seen a doctor, then I would follow his or her instructions on what to do, including taking these medications.
Sanaz: All right, but I have some other problems.
Pharmacist: Like what?
Sanaz: I have a Rash on my arm. See? Is there an Over-the-counter medication I can use?
Pharmacist: That doesn’t look too serious. You can find medications for rashes on aisle 3. I would recommend a Cream made by McQ Pharmaceuticals. Use it for a few days and monitor it to see if it improves. If not, you may want to see your doctor about it.
Sanaz: Okay, thanks. I also have Allergies.
Pharmacist: There are several Drugstore medications for allergies.
Sanaz: I already take those. What I want to know is if there is something I can do about the Headaches I get from the allergies?
Pharmacist: Pain relievers are on aisle 4. Let me show you where they are.
Sanaz: Oh, thank you. On the way there, I’ll tell you about my other health problems. I need Eye drops for my Dry eyes, pills for my Insomnia, something for my back pain…
Learning foreign languages.
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Consulting a Pharmacist