At least you are not obnoxious like so many other people — you are obnoxious in a different and worse way!
You have a lot of well-wishers. They would all like to throw you down one.
You remind me of Moses. Every time you open your mouth, the bull rushes.
They say that travel broadens oneself. You must have been around the world.
Look through your towels and tell us the name of the hotel you stayed at in Detroit.
You always have your ear to the ground. So how’s life in the gutter?
Heard your family went to a restaurant where they serve crabs just so they could bring you along.
Before you came along we were hungry. Now we are fed up.
You are pretty as a picture and we’d love to hang you.
You will never be able to live down to your reputation!
Any friend of yours — is a friend of yours.
Someone said that you are not fit to sleep with pigs. I stuck up for the pigs.
Celebrations in the usa.
School uniform топик.
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Collection 16