Takagi: Before we Disseminate this Report, I need you To fact-check it. I don’t want a repeat of what happened last year.
Ellie: What happened last year? I wasn’t working here then.
Takagi: Last year’s report had a lot of small Inaccuracies and a few major Errors. We ended up having To issue a second Version of the report.
Ellie: Okay, but I thought it had already been Signed off on by the Department heads.
Takagi: It has, but those are the same department heads who Skimmed the report last year and didn’t Catch all those problems. I want you To go through it with a fine-tooth comb.
Ellie: What should I check?
Takagi: Everything. I want you To verify the facts and Figures and To flag anything that is Outright wrong or even a little Suspect.
Ellie: Okay, I’ll do that, but this will take some time.
Takagi: What are you doing this weekend?
Ellie: Nothing, now.
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Checking Facts and Figures