As if you care, here is a poem that I wrote. Send it to every one of your friends.
Friends — A friend is someone who is always at your side, — A friend is someone who likes you even though you smell like a wet dog, — A friend is someone who likes you even though you’re disgustingly ugly, — A friend is someone who cleans up for you after you’ve soiled yourself, — A friend is someone who stays with you all night while you cry about your loser life, — A friend is someone who pretends they like you when they really think you should be raped by a mad goat and then thrown to vicious dogs, — A friend is someone who scrubs your toilet and vacuums and then gets the check and leaves and doesn’t speak much English no, sorry that’s the cleaning lady,
Now pass this on! If you don’t, Satan will send dogs in heat to your room in your sleep!!
There. Now that we’ve covered and dumped on the four main types of chain letters, onto the ironic part. In order for this to get any popularity, send it on!!! If you don’t think it was funny at all, don’t bother, but otherwise forward this sucker to everyone you know!! If you don’t, I don’t care. Thanks!
Remember, the moral of the story is, if you get a chain letter, ignore it.
TRASH IT!!! If it’s a joke or something, send it, sure! Just don’t forget to delete the chain letter part. But if it’s gonna make people feel guilty (i. e. the willieless boy from Baklaliviatatlaglooshen) or nervous (i. e. Miranda Pinsley who ended up in a waterfall of poop), just DELETE it.
Do yourself a favor, and everyone else in the world, and say NO!!! to BLOODY CHAIN LETTERS!!» Thank you.
Класс моей мечты на английском.
Means of communication.
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